New details have come to light regarding the October termination of a North Carolina police chief, who reportedly asked a captain’s wife for nude photos on Snapchat, among other wrongdoings.
The request came twice, though the woman did not respond with any photographs, Mars Hill town manager Nathan Bennett told The News-Record & Sentinel of Clark’s conduct.
“Your conduct in attempting to pursue a romantic relationship with the wife of one of your subordinate officers is reprehensible. To actively solicit that relationship is unforgivable and put your entire Department and the town of Mars Hill at risk,” Bennett wrote in an Oct. 16 letter addressed to Clark.
The captain reportedly provided Bennett with screenshots of the messages Clark sent to his wife, and Bennett then solicited an independent investigation of the former police chief’s conduct with the department, The News-Record & Sentinel reported.
Clark apparently admitted to sending the messages when Bennett confronted him, the outlet reported.
Bennett added that Clark’s dishonesty with him and the investigator left him “no choice” but to terminate the former police chief.
“Your insubordination to me by immediately leaving my office and attempting to communicate with the members of your Department and with the victims of your misconduct is blatant,” Bennett continued.
The town manager also criticized Clark’s “handling of firearms” in his office, saying they were not “locked and in a safe place contrary to all concepts of gun safety,” even though the guns were not loaded, and Clark’s personal use of his vehicle provided by the town for official police work.
Clark could not be reached for comment, and Bennett declined to comment further.
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